
If I had to pick between Plymouth and James town I’d pick Plymouth .The pilgrims of Plymouth  departed from the church of England  for  FREEDOM not gold like  James town . When they first got to Plymouth  they didn’t know  how to grow  crops so the wampanoag  trib showed them how to grow corn and other crops such as beans .They worked for their belongings of their house ,cloths and food not many of the Plymouth citizens survived the first few years as many died  most of the puritans moved to plymouth to help it grow as it is today.

Plenty of the Pilgrims had died of the other boat sinking of the leaks in it.

Little men,women,and children survived on the Mayflower.

Young kids had to suffer in the cold hard winter.

Months  passed by as more puritans  moved to Plymouth.

Out of the two first colonies  only Plymouth wanted freedom from the church  of England.

Under all the circumsanmce  that all the people had to go through they made Plymouth as it is today.

Today even the first rock that the pilgrims steeped on to get to shore is in a huge  contaner on cap cod bey.

Hearts of many had died in the first few winters in the new world.


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